This month: issues and stories we focus on

Got any leads? Wonder what Cable content is being researched behind the scenes? Check out our media Coordinators’ areas of focus…
This month Alec (@alecsaelens) is researching…
- The impact of legal aid cuts and fees on workers seeking redress through Employment Tribunals.
- How our transport infrastructure and services (lack of) impact people’s lives.
- What lies behind transformations and social dynamics in and around the Bearpit.
This month Adam (@AdamC_Corn) is looking at…
- The continuing housing crisis, in particular developments and developers
- Whether a guaranteed income could be given to all Bristol citizens
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This month Lorna (@lornastephens0n) is focusing on….
- Schools funding problems, and disruptions to school management
- Impacts of service closures and changes on disabled Bristol citizens
Hinkley Point C..
This month Alon (@AlAviram) is nosying around…
- The impact of cuts to policing, and Avon & Somerset Constabulary’s PFI deal.
- Local MPs, paid-for trips abroad, and the political impact of lobbying.
- The links between Immigration Enforcement, charities and the public sector in Bristol
- Police use of increasingly powerful surveillance technology
This month Sid (@FOIA_Fighter) is probing…
- Whether mental health services in bristol are meeting demand?
- How Bristol’s GPs and hospitals are coping under the pressure
- Whether ‘devolution’ lives up to is promise of more power locally
This month Koel (@koelpmukherjee) is exploring…
- Community histories – particularly the human impact of the failed 1970s road-building project in Totterdown
- The impact of austerity on services for vulnerable people and communities
- The impact of the Prevent counter-terrorism strategy on Bristol’s public sector
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