How will council transport budget cuts impact you?

The Cable would like to hear from readers about how you think the council’s proposed cuts will affect you or your family.
On the 21st February, the council will vote on the ‘Corporate Strategy 2016-22’ – and the wide-ranging service changes it involves, designed to save the council a total of £101million.
After initial budget consultation and coverage by the Bristol Cable (see article) the council backtracked on cuts to concessionary travels.
The final proposals for changes to the transport budget (link here) include:
- Devolution of powers and funding to the Combined Mayoral Authority (South Glos, B&NES & Bristol City Council) will transform transport provision.
- Reduction of subsidies for bus routes.
- Reduction of operational maintenance.
- Increase on-street parking charges.
- Reduction of consultants strategic planning.
The Cable would like to hear from readers about how you think the cuts may affect you via the survey below. You can answer anonymously if you like, although if you leave your contact details we may contact you for further details. The Cable will treat your responses confidentially. We will collate answers and publish them anonymously in a website article.
The survey: