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Cable Live – Bristol Central candidates face tough questions on housing at Shelter hustings

MP hopefuls face a grilling from representatives of Bristol housing charities at the Malcolm X Centre, with host Neil Maggs.

General Election 2024

The third of our general election special podcasts is a live recording of the housing-focused election hustings hosted by Shelter at the Malcolm X Centre in St Paul’s, Bristol on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

In this event, Samuel Williams (Conservative), Carla Denyer (Green) and Nicholas Coombes (Lib Dem), the general election candidates for the Bristol Central seat – plus Labour councillor Tom Renhard, standing in for their MP Thangam Debbonaire – face a grilling from representatives of the city’s housing organisations.

As well as national housing charity Shelter itself, these include Housing Matters, Caring in Bristol, Bristol Fair Renting Campaign and Bristol Law Centre. Neil Maggs, the seasoned presenter of the Cable’s Bristol Unpacked podcast, is your host.

Their questions come as the city’s acute housing crisis continues unabated. How do the candidates feel about measures to control Bristol’s out-of-control private rental market? How would their parties deliver the tens of thousands of social homes needed to make a difference? What would they do to tackle shocking standards in the emergency accommodation that shameful numbers of households are now forced to live in?

As the clock ticks down to election day, tune in for our latest Cable Live podcast to hear the MP hopefuls’ answers (or in some cases non-answers) to addressing one of our city’s – and country’s – most pressing problems.

As you weigh up casting your vote, don’t miss the rest of our general election coverage – and subscribe to The Bristol Cable on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your audio.

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