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VIDEO: What We Want – Meaningful climate action not culture wars

Extinction Rebellion activist Kathy says the Tory government’s disgraceful legacy of weaponising action on climate change as part of culture wars.

General Election 2024

In this short video series, we ask people working on the frontline how their sector has fared under 14 years of a Tory government. And what changes do they want to see from the next government?

Extinction Rebellion activist Kathy tells us the Tory government’s disgraceful legacy is weaponising action on climate change as part of culture wars. She talks about what needs to be done to achieve meaningful action on climate change, from what to do about oil and gas licenses, to taxing air travel and nationalising public transport.

Despite the Conservative’s poor record on climate, she says Labour’s policies don’t go far enough and we need to see more substance from the likely next government.

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