It is concerning to think that the government and private corporations may be able to access our emails and other communications. Understandably, such threats to privacy (whether perceived or real) significantly hinder the work of a free press. There are also valid safety concerns for individuals wanting to publicise hidden or illegal practices within organisations. We at the Bristol Cable want to make it easy and safe for people to tell the stories that need to be told.
We don’t want to put you off sharing information that could help with a story or investigation. You don’t need to install specialist software, or even go to the post office, to get in touch. If you prefer to speak to us by phone then please contact:
Tel: 07533718547
(Also available via Signal and Whatsapp)
On our website we do not harvest visitors’ information and sell it to third parties like most magazines/newspapers’ websites do. However, at present we do use some Google email accounts. Our shared email addresses (eg content@thebristolcable.org) use Google. Find our email addresses on our team page.
If you would like to send us an encrypted email, one way is to use thunderbird which can encrypt and decrypt emails using your chosen email provider. Our team page includes a list of Cable contacts and their corresponding gpg fingerprints (so you can be sure any replies are coming from the right person).
Alternatively, you could make a new email account using an email server which stores your emails encrypted like disroot.org, Tutanota or Proton Mail.
If you access your new email address using Tor Browser that adds another layer of protection.
If you are going down this route, and want any advice please email Mat@thebristolcable.org. If you need to prepare files to send us it would be a good idea to use a system like Tails or at the least TorBrowser when setting up your new email account.
If you want to know more, Wired have a good guide with nice pictures which details things to consider when submitting information to a news service anonymously.
One of the safest methods of delivering information without it being tracked is to send us a physical letter. This is easy, cheap and requires no knowledge of internet security. Send letters to:
The Bristol Cable, The Station, Silver Street, Bristol, BS1 2AG