Alex Turner

Listen: Bristol Unpacked with Neil Maggs
Listen: Bristol Unpacked, with former Lord Mayor Paul Goggin on homelessness, mental health and the struggle for south Bristol votes
'It's been eventful', says Paul Goggin, of a life that has featured both rough sleeping and local politics. He joins Neil Maggs to talk housing, faith, and whether Labour should fear Reform in wards like Hartcliffe and Withywood.

‘Liveable neighbourhoods’ have caused uproar in east Bristol. How will they fare south of the river?
The council has started consulting on making large areas of south Bristol friendlier to pedestrians and cyclists. What do residents want – and have lessons been learned about how to communicate with them?

Listen: Bristol Unpacked with Neil Maggs
Listen: Bristol Unpacked, with councillor Barry Parsons on Green power in City Hall, and improving relations with council tenants
Listen: The Debrief – five years on, did Bristol City Council really boot out the bailiffs?
Matty Edwards chats to Alex Turner about whether the council has stuck to a commitment to work more ethically with people who owe it money, and explains why is it so important to stick with these kinds of stories.
Watchdog finds ‘serious failings’ after concluding council does not know what state its housing is in
Bristol City Council has been called out by a government regulator for not meeting new quality standards, with thousands of repairs and damp and mould cases long overdue for action and many safety check records missing.