Migrant-led Cookery Class with Migrateful
More details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/syrian-cookery-class-with-sultana-bristol-tickets-726193884457?aff=oddtdtcreator
This menu caters to both vegetarians and those who eat meat (lamb). Allergens include: gluten, milk, eggs, celery, sulphites.(plant-based mince may contain other allergens such as Soya).
Sample menu:
- Lamb Shishbarak (Spiced Lamb Dumplings in Yoghurt) | Meat (Lamb); Gluten (Wheat), Eggs, Milk, Celery
- Vegetarian Shishbarak (Vegetarian Dumplings in Yoghurt) | Vegetarian; Gluten (Wheat), Egg, Milk, Celery
- Lamb Kibbeh (Deep Fried Bulgur Wheat Stuffed with Spiced Lamb) | Meat (Lamb); Gluten (Wheat), Milk, Celery
- Vegetarian Kibbeh (Vegetarian Deep Fried Bulgur Wheat Stuffed with plant-based mince) | Vegetarian; Gluten (Wheat), Milk, Celery
- Fattoush (Salad with Pomegranate and Flatbread) | Vegan; Gluten (Wheat)
A message from our Chef Sultana:
“I am Sultana. I like cooking because when I was a child I saw all my family enjoy cooking together. I had a big family so there was more reason to cook a lot; all my sisters, my aunts and my grandmother would sit and help each other cooking. I had a nice time speaking and hearing many stories. Making food and trying new recipes is a great way to spend time with the family, forget our jobs and hard times and keep the family warm.”
About Migrateful:
Migrateful is an award-winning charity & social enterprise supporting asylum seekers, refugees & migrants in their journey to integration & independence through preparing them to lead cookery classes in their native cuisine. As well as London & Brighton, Migrateful runs classes in Bristol led by seven different chefs and hosted at Coexist Kitchen and St Werburghs. Cuisines include Sri Lankan, Ghanaian, Sudanese and Nigerian.