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Migrateful Ghanaian Cookery Class

  • 20/12/22
  • 18:15 - 20:45
  • £ 35.00 + booking fee

More details:

Migrateful is an award-winning charity & social enterprise supporting asylum seekers, refugees & migrants in their journey to integration & independence through preparing them to lead cookery classes in their native cuisine. As well as London, Brighton & Kent, Migrateful runs classes in Bristol led by seven different chefs and hosted at Cooking It, Coexist Kitchen and St Werburghs. Cuisines include Sri Lankan, Ghanaian, Sudanese and Nigerian. Bristol classes are £35 each and can also be booked with cookery class gift vouchers – the perfect gift for a loved one this holiday season. Visit for more info on classes and for more info on vouchers.

Pescatarian Ghanaian Cookery Class with Mansura
Date: 20 Dec.
Time: 6:15 pm – 8:45 pm
Location: St. Werburghs Community Centre in Bristol
Tickets: £ 35.00 + booking fee
*This menu contains: caters to both vegetarians and those who eat meat.
Sample menu includes: Chinkafa Da Wakye (Rice and Beans), Hausa Abomu Wakye (Rice and Beans Stew), Ampesie Brodie (Boiled Plantain), Abomudayua (Garden Egg Stew), Shitto (Ghana’s Chilli ‘Secret Sauce’), Bofrot (Carrot Doughnuts).
Allergens include: gluten, milk, eggs, shellfish

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