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Origins of the Future

Culture Exhibition Film
  • 19/10/22
  • 17:00 - 20:00
  • FREE

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Event Information

​Origins of the future is An Interactive multi-platform installation and screening event. Our makers are exploring modern day fears and have been busy creating a harrowing experience for you.

​On arrival you’ll be given a programme of the screenings with a map of the venue . You’ll then be free to creep around at your own peril in our 1800’s gothic building that’s been taken over by the post-digital age….THIS IS A DROP-IN EVENT, All films will be played on a loop and you can explore in your own time.


  • ​A Multi-platform exhibition re-telling greek mythology stories in a modern day dystopia. An Immersive screening & soundscape experience.
  • ​A micro-horror cinema screening created by the next generations of film makers, featuring all things sci-fi, horror and dystopia.
  • ​Be tempted upstairs to our Classic horror scare maze. Dare to take a walk or…. run through familiar horror scenes. How do you fair when you’re the victim?
  • ​We’ll be running a card-only bar for all our bloodthirsty guests. Popcorn also available.
  • ​Get your pictures taken in our PhotoBooth
    • ​***Please Come In Fancy Dress***
    • ​ best dressed will win a custom made figure of them in their costume

​Before you leave make sure to leave a comment in our gruesome guest book.

​All Exhibitions and Film screenings are assessable

NB: Anyone under 18 will need to be accompanied by an adult. Content not suitable for younger viewers will be screened in separate room with advisory notice.

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