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Workshop: Co-operation after Covid: building a co-op movement in Bristol

  • 09/09/20
  • 18:00 - 19:30
  • FREE

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Co-operative businesses could lead the way in building the sustainable and inclusive city that many people in Bristol want to see emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. This workshop explores how, with a particular emphasis on organizing and movement building practices, as well as everyday management and accounting practices.

Whether you are a co-op member, and activist, or someone interested in the possibilities for making the city more socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable, come along to this workshop, facilitated by the University of Bristol, Inclusive Economy Initiative. With a focus on the experiences of cooperatives and social movements in Bristol, but drawing on lessons from around the world, we hope to address questions like:

– What is the co-operative ‘difference’? What makes them generally more inclusive and sustainable than other organizations?

– What key challenges do cooperatives face in the current pandemic/post-pandemic context?

– What kinds of practices could help them respond to these challenges? (Including everyday management and accounting/budgeting practices, as well as broader community and social movement organizing practices).

– How could/should institutions support cooperative and community organizing today? (Including local government and universities).


Alice Bryer is a Reader in Accounting at the University of Bristol who has done research with cooperatives in Argentina, Spain, and the USA. She is a member of the Inclusive Economy Initiative at the UoB.

Claire Spencer is a Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at the University of Bristol. She worked in industry before joining academia and teaches management accounting and business ethics. Her research interests include accounting and values in alternative organisations. She is a member of the Inclusive Economy Initiative at the UoB.

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