Cable Community News

My journey into journalism

One Bristol Cable Media Lab graduate’s journey into journalism.

Traveller kids are being “pushed out” says teacher

Tiny homes: ‘An innovative way of getting people to accept less’

Edition 19

Communities standing up: college students, skaters and migrant mums

News is so often depresseing and disempowering. But these Bristolians are making a difference across the city.


Photos: A Vibrant Youth


Exclusive: Two Bristol activists helping build a new society in Syria

Opinion: Council tax is grossly unfair. It’s time for a rethink

After it has gone up again in the face of cuts, it’s time to look at alternatives to this unfair and out-of-date tax.

In Hartcliffe antisocial behaviour is about more than young people acting up

The common media portrayal of Hartcliffe as being closer to Baghdad than Bedminster is clearly nonsense. But the issue is raw and touches on deeper questions.

Meet Kerry, the Hartcliffe community activist on a mission

“We’ve got so used to things being taken away from us, that a lot of people don’t know we’ve got rights.”

How child’s play is a serious matter

A year since the council cut play services, we visit an adventure playground in Southmead.

The contested future of St Philip’s Marsh

A forgotten part of central Bristol is about to transform – but in whose interests?

Investigating private schools: Not just the fees that are unfair

While state schools are at breaking point, Bristol’s private schools get millions in tax breaks as ‘charitable institutions’ – do they deserve it?