Edition 21

40 years ago, the far right in Bristol was faced down with music, pickets and ballots

With far-right ideas on the rise again, Colin Thomas draws on first-hand accounts and archive material to tell a story from a generation ago.

The tale of Bristol’s fascist-sympathising, disability rights-promoting first woman MP

Time flies by when you’re smashing teeth on concrete: Dean Lane Skatepark through the ages

Edition 21

What’s the council ever done for us?

Everyone loves to have a good moan about the council. But they still provide vital public services. Here’s a few.

Fight For Fair Air

Burning waste – green energy or just hot air?


‘This feels like prison’: we need to talk about school exclusions

Local rapper Kilaze talks hip-hop, art and life

Rapper Kilaze is a stalwart of the city’s music scene both through his own releases and his support of homegrown talent. Two decades into his career, he’s still got ‘so much to talk about’.

Too many Bristol teachers are leaving the profession. They tell us why.

Amid funding cuts and increased pressure to produce high grades, teachers are leaving the profession, while pupil numbers grow.

Measles is back, and it’s not just because of anti-vaxxers

We need to take our message out of surgeries and into communities, says a Bristol pharmacist

‘Most families find it shameful’ – Finding pride in a community where being gay is taboo

It took over a decade for James to tell his family he was gay. Some Irish Travellers never get the chance to.

Good money after bad? Bristol Energy’s spiralling losses

Market conditions have been killing off small private energy suppliers up and down the country. Bristol Energy is by no means immune and keeps on tapping council tax payers for more money in the wake of huge losses – so is it time the council-owned firm was wound up?

The unsolved fire at The Office and the chequered history of a rogue landlord

Five months after the devastating fire at Speedwell’s Strachan and Henshaw building, ‘The Office’ tower is being turned into flats. The Cable investigates former owner Alan Dykes and his run-ins with the law.