Illustration of two individuals at a protest, one holding a sign that reads "END SECTION 60".

No to Section 60

Humiliation, trauma and mistrust: why we must scrap Section 60

The founder member of police accountability group Bristol Copwatch explains why the Avon and Somerset force must stop running racist and ineffective suspicionless stop-and-search operations.

Recent floods show once again that it’s high time to formally recognise the rights of the River Avon

‘We need to move the dials’: Avon and Somerset Police must show real change on institutional racism


‘Bristol can lead the way in pushing for legalising cannabis’

Cannabis is now legally regulated in a growing number of countries around the world, but the UK is being left behind.

An illustration of tower blocks that look old and battered, with tools laid out in front of them


‘Bristol’s council housing failings are shocking – but are just the tip of a massive national iceberg’


Scotland will open the UK’s first safer drug consumption facility – Bristol should be next

‘Freedom of information laws have been working for nearly 25 years – but warning lights are flashing’

In 2000, the Freedom of Information Act gave citizens the right to access material held by public authorities. We need to recognise the democratic benefits of this vital tool, or risk losing them, an expert warns.

Analysis: The national high-rise saga behind Barton House’s emergency evacuation

Housing journalist Peter Apps, who has written for years about Grenfell, explains how even the sudden collapse of a similar high rise block in London 50 years failed to spark enough action to make other towers safe.

Cities of the future must prioritise the health of people and the planet

Preventing ill-health from poor-quality urban environments, and promoting fairness, are at the heart of a project Bristol is helping to lead.

Will AI free us from drudgery – or reduce us to robots?

Artificial intelligence already helps employers treat workers like robots – and the fear is that it could also take their jobs. Its huge potential benefits will only be shared if unions get to have their say.

Why Bristol needs to build a sustainable food system – before disaster strikes

Bristol is recognised as a leading city in sustainable food. But with international food systems creaking and the impact of climate change on the horizon, even more needs to be done.

‘The Illegal Migration Bill is not only deeply cruel. But also a shameless attempt to embolden extremism.’

Bristol Refugee Rights, who see first-hand the hardship that asylum seekers are already put through, slam the Illegal Migration Bill as a cynical attempt to inflame anti-immigration feeling in order to win the next election.