
Let there be cake: Sunday service at Bristol’s godless church

It’s been a few years since I went to church, so one Sunday I did – sort of. The monthly Sunday Assembly at the Trinity Centre, like most churches, offers singing and readings, inspiring sermons and quiet reflection.

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An appetite for change in Lockleaze

Edition 2

Victorian Bristol’s radical coffee taverns – Educate, Agitate, Percolate?

With the prospect of a Starbucks in Old City, Bristol’s proclaimed status as ‘alternative’ is facing increasing corporate influence. Stephen E. Hunt of The Bristol...


“These homes need people!”

Illustration: Sophie Filomena


Back to the kitchen!

Cake, Sewing Machines, Furniture…Plasters…

Claire-Lise Braun examines the resurgence of ‘make-do-and-mend’ culture at Bristol’s Repair Cafe. Illustrated by Jayde Perkin – Bristol is not immune to the UK’s...