
Bristol West: What you need to know for the 2019 General Election

The race for Bristol West is on, with Green and Labour candidates both saying they’re the most deserving of the Remain vote.

European elections: why it matters even though it doesn’t feel like it

Brexit could bring ‘a new Windrush’ for Roma

Bristol and Beyond

Europeans in Bristol caught in the Brexit crossfire

Caught in the Brexit crossfire are European Bristolians, whose future is still cruelly uncertain.


‘Investigating Arron Banks isn’t undermining Brexit, but protecting democracy’

Bristol and Beyond

Bristol Brexit millionaire Banks lied to parliament about his campaign, say whistleblowers

Bristol’s changing hostels in the age of Brexit

“In the ten years I’ve been working in the Backpackers, I’ve never experienced a situation like this.” Hostel workers on the impact of Brexit.

Kerry McCarthy MP on Brexit and the future of UK farming

The Labour MP for Bristol East talks about the challenges of steering Brexit in a green direction.

Brexit: Green MEP launches fight for secret documents

The government won’t hand over 50 reports on the impact of Brexit.

“Beautiful, ordinary people”: Capturing Brexit on film

Ahead of Bristol Radical Film Festival, the Cable spoke to director Timothy George Kelly about his ‘state of the nation’ documentary, Brexitannia.

The rise of right-wing Bristol millionaire Arron Banks

How did he get from a trading estate in Patchway to Trump’s golden elevator?

Ex-UKIP millionaire’s company wins ‘Independent Business’ award

And a tax dodging company was behind the awards…