Connolly and Callaghan


Update: News on the future of Hamilton House

A packed meeting took place at Hamilton House on Stokes Croft this afternoon to discuss the future of the building.

Breaking: Future of Hamilton House in Stokes Croft thrown up in the air

An ethics lesson for emergency housing


Comment: Acorn

This comment has been written by Acorn Community Union in response to the ongoing dispute over Connolly & Callaghan’s emergency accommodation provision:   The serious...


Comment: Connolly & Callaghan


The stories of tenants evicted by Connolly & Callaghan

“Ethical” landlords doorstepped by community union

Connolly & Callaghan paid a visit by ACORN as Council look into issue.

Bristol firm profiting from housing homeless – by kicking other tenants out

Bristol emergency housing provider evicting settled tenants and converting homes into high-rent emergency accommodation More on this story: Meet the evicted tenants & Landlords doorstepped by...

Connolly and Callaghan full response: May 27th 2016

27th May 2016 Connolly & Callaghan(C&C) are an established Bristol business specialising in emergency tenant accommodation. Carpenters Place,Knowle West was made available for sale by...