Image of cycle lane in Bristol


Explainer: How many protected bike lanes does Bristol actually have?

The council has claimed there are 75 miles of segregated cycle lanes in Bristol, but Sustrans says there were only 12 miles of cycle tracks physically separated from traffic in 2021. What’s going on?

‘If we want more people to cycle, we need to make it feel safe’

Drum and bass on two wheels

Edition 28

Bristol risks becoming a graveyard of cycling ambition

Promoting safety for cyclists has a positive knock-on effect for health, air pollution and the climate crisis – but without enough political will, funding or decent planning, getting people into the saddle will be an uphill battle.

Local Elections 2021

‘The new Bristol and WECA mayors need to prioritise walking and cycling’


Community responses to latest wave of violent crime on Bristol to Bath cycle path

Changing gear: what next for cycling in Bristol?

To get us out of cars and reduce air pollution, Bristol needs to radically overhaul its cycle network. Other cities are leading the way.

Bristol: a cycling city in name alone?

Alfie Lake looks at the potholes in Bristol’s much peddled bike-friendly status to find its infrastructure in need of improvement.