
Owner of ex-pub and cinema should up his landlord game before developing more flats, say tenants
High-profile plans to turn a former Wetherspoons on Church Road into housing have been withdrawn this week. Some tenants of the developer, Landrose, say it needs to improve its service to people already living in its properties.

‘A Pandora’s box’? What impact will Fishponds’ big new developments have, and who stands to profit?
Plans to redevelop three factory sites could see thousands of new homes along the Bristol and Bath Railway Path. Residents want to raise awareness about the potential impact of the schemes, which promise their owners lucrative returns.
Community support for Castle Park development was overstated, claim members of local group
Plans to develop the derelict site around St Mary Le Port in central Bristol were approved by councillors, but questions are now being raised about how the views of local residents were used during the process.