Two individuals wearing gas masks and helmets stand in front of blurred background of crowds. A graphic reads 'The Bristol Cable podcast: People Just Do Something'

People Just Do Something

Listen: People Just Do Something with Jake Hanrahan, more than just ‘a gritty Louis Theroux’

Why did Jake Hanrahan become a journalist, how did he turn war reporting on its head with Popular Front, and why does he reckon the industry is 'one of the most grotesque things I've seen in my life'? Join Priyanka and Isaac to find out.

‘People want to understand their world’: 5 lessons from 2024’s big journalism study

Listen: Cable Live, with Gary Younge talking journalism, race and power

Cable Community News

Does the Bristol Cable have an editor? Not really…

Collaboration and collective decision making are at the heart of how our editorial team operates – with the aim of producing better journalism for Bristol.

A person with a microphone sat on a sofa wearing trainers and a velvet jumpsuit.


Cable Live: Moya Lothian-Maclean discusses the future of campaigning journalism

Cable Community News

The new fake news: how much of a threat does AI pose to journalism?

VIDEO: Jeremy Corbyn on local news, media ownership and politics for the many

We caught up with the ex-Labour leader at June's Bristol Transformed festival, to discuss his Peace & Justice Project’s local news initiative and whether making jam is, in fact, political.

Uncovering the secret state

The Cable interviews veteran investigative journalist Duncan Campbell about blowing open state surveillance – and being targeted by security services.

This month: issues and stories we focus on

Got any leads? Wonder what Cable content is being researched behind the scenes? Check out our media Coordinators’ areas of focus… This month Alec (@alecsaelens)...

Our 2016 favourites: Cable voices

A couple of the most interesting voices that the Cable has published in 2016.

“You have to change things”: Interview with leading investigative journalist

The Bristol Cable invited Meirion Jones, the Investigations Editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism to talk.

“Don’t go for the sob story”: Reporting on humanitarian crisis

How can journalists best tell the stories of people they meet in crisis situations? Al Jazeera’s Shafik Mandhai spoke to the Cable about his experience...