Two individuals wearing gas masks and helmets stand in front of blurred background of crowds. A graphic reads 'The Bristol Cable podcast: People Just Do Something'

People Just Do Something

Listen: People Just Do Something with Jake Hanrahan, more than just ‘a gritty Louis Theroux’

Why did Jake Hanrahan become a journalist, how did he turn war reporting on its head with Popular Front, and why does he reckon the industry is 'one of the most grotesque things I've seen in my life'? Join Priyanka and Isaac to find out.

Voices: “Why we’re shouting the names of Kurdish fighters from the rooftops of arms companies”

Airbus factory occupied by friends of Bristolian killed in Syria by Turkish military


Why are Bristolian Kurds boycotting new year celebrations?

“This year due to political uncertainty back home and threats to our people by ISIS we decided to suspend the party as a way of...


“We are not allowed a state on the ground, so we create one online.”