
‘It’s a double stigma of menstruation and mental illness’

PMDD is a debilitating and poorly-understood condition affecting one in 20 people with periods, 34% of whom have attempted to take their own life.

‘We cannot afford, financially or emotionally, to fight to be heard’

‘Women’s health in a man’s world’: One in ten women have endometriosis, but their pain is still ignored


Upfest: Women challenging the male-dominated graffiti scene

Upfest gave a nod to the centenary of women first getting the vote by joining forces with Bristol Women's Voice and some of the world's top female street artists.

Ideas and Action

TIGER tackles sexism in Bristol schools

Ideas and Action

Enough is enough. Surveying sexism at work

‘It’s nasty and it’s bullying’: sexism and the council

As with most local authorities, Bristol's councillors are mostly male – and some bad attitudes have been surfacing of late. What can be done to level the gender playing field?