womens rights

Illustration in a red and blue colour scheme showing a central figure looking down, holding a medical test kit, against a backdrop individuals including a police officer, a judge, a person in a hazmat suit and a women looking into a microscope.


Are self-swab kits ‘the start of the end of sexual violence’, or could they cause more harm than good?

Against a backdrop of chronic underreporting of sexual assaults, thousands of self-administered rape test kits have been distributed across Bristol, targeting university campuses. But are users, already coping with trauma, being given the clarity they need to make informed choices?

‘Prison felt safer than the streets’: why women’s homelessness needs to be better understood

Meet the Bristol artist casting nipples to celebrate bodies 


Healing is a justice issue: how can we radicalise the voluntary sector, amid a perfect storm of cuts?

When it comes to recovery from trauma, meeting people’s basic needs such as food, shelter, and physical safety is not enough. In an increasingly harsh environment, charities will need all their imagination and creativity to do more.

Your Bristol Life

Listen: The Sound Of Saffron by Charlie West


The menopause leaves some women struggling to work. But what can be done about it?

Do women really have equity in Bristol workplaces?

For International Women's Day, Steph Cullen interviews women about their experiences in the workplace, and asks: how equitable are Bristol's workplaces for women really?

When it doesn’t pay to work: how universal free childcare would help us all

Women are being priced out of work. Making childcare truly affordable wouldn’t only benefit individual families, but society as a whole.

‘It’s not pro-life, it’s pro-misogyny’: Bristol marches on abortion rights

A protest on Saturday saw speakers bring to light the murky legal picture around abortion in the UK, just two weeks after the US Supreme Court effectively banned abortions for millions.

Research by University of Bristol Students’ Union reveals half of respondents have experienced sexual harassment

Survey findings released today put the thorny issue of consent back under the spotlight at the University of Bristol.

PHOTOESSAY: March against male violence

In light of recent events, protesters took to the streets last weekend to demand men are held accountable for violence against women.

From factory boss’s daughter to community organiser – meet Bristol’s first woman councillor

Mabel Tothill was a champion of the labour movement and women's rights in East Bristol.