Priyanka Raval


Listen: Cable Longreads – ‘Hollow victory’: a rape survivor’s journey through broken justice system

Cable reporter Priyanka Raval investigated whether the police's new approach to prosecuting sexual violence is really making a difference to survivors.

VIDEO: Chief constable challenged on ‘anti-racist policing’ progress and stop and search reform

Listen: the Debrief – raking over a historic set of Bristol general election results

General Election 2024

Historic Bristol general election results see first ever Green MP and Tory wipeout

All seats in and around Bristol were won by Labour, except Bristol Central where the Greens romped to an impressive victory.

General Election 2024

A Labour victory in Bristol East is odds-on, but will a Green surge cut the party’s majority?


Listen: Owen Jones on leaving Labour, the war in Gaza and his general election campaign for left-wing candidates

Revealed: Bristol Uni plans to cut student wellbeing services are ‘reckless’, staff warn

Proposals are to reduce the number of staff in the student wellbeing service, despite concerns about impact on student mental health.

Listen: How it could all go down in Bristol at July’s general election

Cable journalists Priyanka Raval and Matty Edwards give you a taster of what to watch out for at the general election in and around Bristol, and give their take on how the national campaign has unfolded so far.

Listen: The Debrief – what does Bristol’s Green surge mean for the city, and what next for the council under a new committee system?

The Green Party became Bristol's largest party at local elections on 2 May, falling just short of an overall majority. As Bristol kisses goodbye to its mayoral system, what will happen next?

Listen: The Debrief – why does transparency matter, and is the council getting any better at it?

It’s almost six months since the Cable asked why Bristol’s performance on FOI requests was so poor. As the city’s political system prepares for change, Alex Turner talks to Priyanka Raval about why this is important, and whether we can look forward to more open local government.

Listen: The Debrief – Bristol is ditching its mayor, but what can it learn from Sheffield?

On 2 May 2024, Bristol will wave goodbye to its mayor and return to a committee system. Isaac Kneebone Hopkins chats with Priyanka Raval about what we can learn from Sheffield's experience of local government reform.

Listen: The Debrief, digging deeper into revelations of institutional racism at a local NHS trust

Priyanka Raval discusses the inside story of her recent investigation into racism in health services, and what it says about the state of the NHS, with Cable colleague Matty Edwards.