Bristol City Council


Explained: What do council funding reforms mean for Bristol?

After austerity hollowed out council budgets, the new government is changing how local authorities are funded, so is there light at the end of the tunnel for Bristol?

Project helping new dads cope with parenthood faces uncertain future

Listen: Bristol Unpacked, with former Lord Mayor Paul Goggin on homelessness, mental health and the struggle for south Bristol votes

Graphic for Bristol Unpacked poodcast, featuring two individuals in separate yellow circles; one wearing a beanie and the other speaking into a microphone, with the logo of The Bristol Cable displayed on the right.

Listen: Bristol Unpacked with Neil Maggs

Listen: Bristol Unpacked with Amanda Sharman on leading the charge for boat-dwellers’ rights

Who are the boat-dwellers living around Bristol's harbour, and why have they been at loggerheads with Bristol City Council? Neil Maggs chats to Bristol Boaters' Community Association co-chair Amanda Sharman to find out.

Group of six cheerful young people posing together in front of a colorful graffiti wall with the word 'Hartcliffe' (partly obscured) on it.

Area in Focus

South Bristol’s new youth centre is technically in Knowle West. Can it deliver for kids from Hartcliffe too?


Recent floods show once again that it’s high time to formally recognise the rights of the River Avon

Listen: Bristol Unpacked with Samira Musse on community power, how to consult with people, and giving kids confidence lessons

What do the powers-that-be get wrong when they come to talk to communities – and how could this be done better? And why are youth services so crucial?

‘Liveable neighbourhoods’ have caused uproar in east Bristol. How will they fare south of the river?

The council has started consulting on making large areas of south Bristol friendlier to pedestrians and cyclists. What do residents want – and have lessons been learned about how to communicate with them?

One of Bristol’s worst ‘eyesore’ buildings has partially collapsed. What is the council doing about it?

The roof of a building owned by a notorious Bristol landlord has caved in, after years of attempts to force him to clean it up.

Enduring trauma, and a struggle for justice: one year on from the Barton House high-rise evacuation

On 14 November 2023 an east Bristol tower block was evacuated over fears it could collapse, making national news. A year on, residents tell the Cable about the disruption to their lives, the ongoing impact on their wellbeing and their children's – and how a community has been left traumatised.

‘Bristol’s council housing failings are shocking – but are just the tip of a massive national iceberg’

Decades of underinvestment in council homes by central government have led to unacceptable living standards for tenants, in our city and across the country. A national solution is needed.

Early failures by council in Bristol Beacon revamp cost millions, report finds

The cost of refurbishing the iconic Bristol music venue almost tripled from £48million to £132million.