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VIDEO: What We Want – An investment in young people and services to end knife crime and youth violence

We’re just days away from the general election. In this short video series What We Want, we ask youth workers what they want to see change after 14 years of the Tories.

General Election 2024

Courtney is a community outreach manager at Bristol boxing gym and youth charity Empire Fighting Chance. He’s seen, by working with young people in the city, the real, damaging impact of the Conservative government’s cuts to youth services.

As part of this video series, What We Want, where we speak to frontline workers and campaigners about the change they want to see, Courtney explains this impact – and his hopes for an investment in our city’s young people.

Empire’s co-founder Martin Bisp is a signatory of our city-wide campaign to end knife violence in the city, Together for Change. We have drawn up a list of goals to support this aim, including to lobby the government that’s set to take over after 4 July.

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