Racist and traumatising: inside a Section 60 suspicionless stop and search operation
Officers searched innocent children, disproportionately targeted people of colour and undermined their anti-racism reforms during a 48-hour police operation in February. Their narrative that it was an effective knife-crime deterrent, done with consent, is misleading.
‘This does not feel like justice’: two young men jailed and one on trial for resisting far-right extremists
Months on from the far-right violence that gripped Bristol in August, police and prosecutors are treating anti-fascist counter-demonstrators the same as people who brought racist disorder to Bristol’s streets.
South Bristol’s new youth centre is technically in Knowle West. Can it deliver for kids from Hartcliffe too?
A huge Youth Zone, part of a national network, will be opening in 2026 by the Imperial Retail Park. But is it what this side of the city needs? And will young people feel welcome, no matter what postcode they live in?
Traffic jams around East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood fuel anger, as council calls for patience
A campaign to halt the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood has sprung up before the trial scheme is fully in place. Can the attempt to reduce traffic through St George, Redfield and Barton Hill survive this bump in the road?
‘Liveable neighbourhoods’ have caused uproar in east Bristol. How will they fare south of the river?
The council has started consulting on making large areas of south Bristol friendlier to pedestrians and cyclists. What do residents want – and have lessons been learned about how to communicate with them?