Abstract painting of two individuals against a green and blue backdrop, one wearing a bright green top and glasses, seated, and the other in a white shirt, standing slightly behind.

It was chance that led Argentinian photographer Sebastián Bruno to walk into the Hive Avon, which works with people who have learning disabilities. But the rapport he built with people accessing its services kept him coming back.

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2024 AGM: Help shape the Cable’s future

Join members for our annual meeting with food from Co-Exist, voting on decisions and a keynote on our Section 60 campaign.

From Bristol to the West Bank: the power of internationalism in Palestine

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It’s not just the far right they’re punishing for the xenophobic, racist, extremist violence on Bristol’s streets

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‘There’s a price to be paid’: one woman’s mission to highlight historic buildings’ slave trade links

Gloria Daniel has spent years tracing the connections between the UK’s built environment and its colonial trade in humans. An exhibition at Ashton Court and a new memorial in Bristol Cathedral are pushing back on hidden injustice.

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Listen: People Just Do Something, with Habib Kadiri on pernicious police stop-and-search powers

Habib Kadiri, from charity StopWatch, explains why stop-and-search matters, what your rights are and how marginalised communities can push back.

Listen: The Debrief – inside the campaign to end suspicionless stop and search

Cable reporter Sean Morrison takes us behind the scenes on his reporting on knife violence, and the No To Section 60 campaign against suspicionless stop and search operations.

Listen: People Just Do Something – Sound against the system – punk, rave and Dave from Faithless

The guitarist from Faithless joins Priyanka and Isaac to reflect on the political power of music from back in the 80s to today.

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Uncovering injustice and wrongdoing

Racist and traumatising: inside a Section 60 suspicionless stop and search operation

Officers searched innocent children, disproportionately targeted people of colour and undermined their anti-racism reforms during a 48-hour police operation in February. Their narrative that it was an effective knife-crime deterrent, done with consent, is misleading.

No To Section 60: Letter to local MPs demanding suspicionless search legislation is scrapped

Here's a draft letter to be sent to your local MP demanding that they push for the repeal of Section 60 police stop and search powers

Revealed: Building owner ‘abandons’ leaseholders trapped in unsafe Brislington flats

Orchard House residents took matters into their own hands to force the building owner to carry out remediation works, under powers brought in after the Grenfell tragedy. But as the legal deadline nears, little progress has been made.

Bristol Unpacked Podcast

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Fascinating and challenging conversations from characters on big topics facing the city and beyond.

Listen: Bristol Unpacked with Emma Edwards on making local politics less toxic, and whether the Greens are ready for power

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Listen: Bristol Unpacked with Tory leader Mark Weston on how the council has waged ‘war on motorists’ and wasted millions

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Listen: Bristol Unpacked with Jos Clark on ‘bloody rude’ Marvin, looming Labour thrashing and Lib Dem comeback

The experienced local councillor, who is a strong critic of Marvin Rees and the mayoral system, talks libraries, Bristol's failing bus services and her prediction that Labour will take a kicking after eight years in power.

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Education is the great liberator: the Bristol activists forging links with teachers in Palestine

Yasmeen Eshtaya is a Palestinian teacher whose life has been deeply affected by the brutal violence of the Israeli state. But she is committed to reconciliation and forming bonds through teaching Arabic – including to people in Bristol.

‘The most liberating feeling’: how an ADHD diagnosis changed one Bristol business owner’s life

After her own personal journey, Lisa Whitehouse is determined to spread awareness and help others through her work.

‘I didn’t come to the UK for some dream – leaving my country became the only option left’

A Turkish journalist who had to flee her country to escape the repressive government shares what her life in the UK is like as she waits for her asylum claim to be processed.

Watch: How Section 60 contributes to rifts between police and the communities they serve

Youth workers, community leaders and the founder of a police monitoring group explain the damaging and traumatising impact of controversial 'suspicionless' search powers in Bristol.

VIDEO: Chief constable challenged on ‘anti-racist policing’ progress and stop and search reform

It’s been a year since Avon and Somerset’s chief constable Sarah Crew admitted her service was institutionally racist, but what is she actually doing about it?

VIDEO: What We Want – Meaningful climate action not culture wars

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