Edition 24

‘Fossil fuelled public sector pensions reveal deep political faultlines on climate crisis action’
Over 100,000 local public-sector pensions are invested in firms that threaten our future. The reasons why are complex – but the situation is not compatible with Bristol’s zero-carbon pledges, says Adam Cantwell-Corn

Bristol and the Climate Crisis
Green shoots of hope: Climate solutions from around the globe
Covid-19’s fallout makes the 2021 census timely – can it reach the people it needs to in Bristol?
Amid a pandemic, it’s the right moment for a digital-first census. But overcoming some groups’ deep-rooted lack of trust in the authorities will be pivotal in mapping out how communities are faring in these difficult times, local community organisations warn.
Bristol’s net zero carbon emissions deadline is only nine years away. How are we doing?
In November 2018 Bristol became the first UK local authority to declare a climate emergency, committing to reduce its net carbon output to zero by 2030. Since then there has been hot air – much of it well-intentioned – but too little meaningful action, says Jon Turney
The campaigners creating an environmental movement with social justice at its core
Air pollution disproportionately affects ethnic minorities and deprived communities, yet environmental movements tend to be predominantly white and middle class. We sit down with Olivia Sweeney, Black and Green ambassador, to ask what is being done about this in the city, and what are her hopes f...