The rise and fall of Bristol’s print industry

Memories of hot metal, union pride and livelihoods in the city

Chasing hard facts in a post-truth world

Depending on your political slant, the year just ended was a time of incredulous horror or a breath of fresh air. A globally turbulent 2016 saw Western societal foundations trembling and – on the surface at least – perceived elites showing cracks.

The Cable will not decide on press regulation without full co-op consultation

The Cable will not settle a position on press regulation without thorough consultation with members and advisors.

“You have to change things”: Interview with leading investigative journalist

The Bristol Cable invited Meirion Jones, the Investigations Editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism to talk.

Blowing the whistle, without getting whacked

As we launch our training programme for journalists, let’s not forget about the real lifeblood of any news organisation – the sources.

The so-called exclusives of Bristol media…

The best of the city’s (other) local media bravely fighting the good fight…

The Bristol Post just stooped to a new low. Here’s why…

In responding to renewed controversy about Green Capital and the complete lack of transparency over£8 Million worth of public money and corporate involvement, the Post...

Who owns your local media?

A look at the ownership structure of Trinity Mirror, the company behind Local World and Bristol Post

Destination unknown: Trinity Mirror, the Bristol Post and the erosion of local media

Taking the ‘local’ out of Local World, and the journalism out of our media

Tony Blair is right to call himself a nincompoop,

but not because of the Freedom of Information Act

Media: business or public service?

In his statement to the Leveson Inquiry into the culture, practices, and ethics of the press that followed the phone hacking scandal in 2011, the...

Who owns your media?